
To install it, just execute:

pip install inquirer

Usage example:

import inquirer

if __name__ == '__main__':

    questions = [
        inquirer.Text('user', message='Please enter your github username', validate=lambda _, x: x != '.'),
        inquirer.Password('password', message='Please enter your password'),
        inquirer.Text('repo', message='Please enter the repo name', default='default'),
        inquirer.Checkbox('topics', message='Please define your type of project?', choices=['common', 'backend', 'frontend'], ),
        inquirer.Text('organization', message='If this is a repo from a organization please enter the organization name, if not just leave this blank'),
        inquirer.Confirm('correct',  message='This will delete all your current labels and create a new ones. Continue?', default=False),

    answers = inquirer.prompt(questions)
